Unlock Platform Wide Utility With the $ITHEUM utility token

The $ITHEUM token is the central utility token for the Itheum protocol, It's purpose is to enable the community to engage, operate, and govern the entire Itheum protocol. To learn more about the token and to explore how you can store, visualize, and get the token, head over to itheum.io/token

Token Utility

Mint Data NFTs

Bond and stake $ITHEUM to obtain 'Liveliness' and become a 'Data Creator' with on-chain reputation. This then enables you to mint Data NFTs to tokenize and trade your data. Liveliness bonds also earn real-yield rewards from protocol revenue

Prove your "Liveliness"

Anyone can bond and stake $ITHEUM into the protocol to obtain a 'Liveliness' score that is relative to your bonded position. Liveliness is a form of 'proof of humanity' and is used to assess the value of your data. Liveliness bonds earn real-yield rewards from protocol revenue.

Launch Data Coalition DAOs

Bond $ITHEUM to launch and operate bulk data collection and curating Data Coalition DAOs that broker data trades with AI companies.

Get Governance Voting Privileges

Obtain voting privileges relative to your $ITHEUM-bonded 'Liveliness' in order to govern key operational metrics of the entire Itheum Protocol.

Token Metrics

Token Name


Token Type, Token Official Links and Supported Blockchains

$ITHEUM is a "Multi-Chain" Token, so it is split across multiple blockchains and can be bridged between the chains via permission-less bridges. - MultiversX: ESDT Standard https://explorer.multiversx.com/tokens/ITHEUM-df6f26 - Solana: SPL Standard https://solscan.io/token/iTHSaXjdqFtcnLK4EFEs7mqYQbJb6B7GostqWbBQwa

Max Supply


Where to get, store and track $ITHEUM?

Multi-Chain Bridge

You can bridge the token between the supported blockchains here: https://portal.itheum.io

CoinGecko Link

CoinMarketCap Link

All-time high


Public Sale IDO Date and Details

$ITHEUM token allocation buckets
$ITHEUM token TGE unlock & bucket cliff/vests/unlock schedule

Explanation of the Cliff / Vest / Unlock process:

  • Cliff (C): The period when tokens are fully locked.

  • Vest (V): After the cliff is over, then the tokens can be claimed. The claimable tokens are then allocated at a fixed schedule over time. This is called a vesting schedule.

  • Unlock (U): The vested/allocated tokens then unlock at certain points. This is when the token holder can get access to their vested tokens.

Let's consider the following example:

Private Sale: 20% of max supply : V:24m / U:3m : TGE unlock 5%

  1. Receive 5% of their tokens at the token generation event (TGE), which occurred on March 28, 2022.

  2. The remaining 95% of their tokens are released progressively over a vesting period of 24 months (V:24m).

  3. During the 24-month vesting period, purchasers will be able to get access to their tokens in 3-month blocks - this is called the unlock period (U:3m). The 1st unlock date for the purchasers will be June 28, 2022.

Unlock dates for example:

  • June 28, 2022 (start)

  • Sep 28, 2022

  • Dec 28, 2022

  • Mar 28, 2023

  • Jun 28, 2023

  • Sep 28, 2023

  • Dec 28, 2023

  • March 28, 2024 (end)

Why did Itheum design the token distribution schedule this way?

  • Itheum needs a long-term commitment from our supporters and this assures we get this from the team, strategic partners, and advisors.

  • Itheum's token is a utility token that is used to "price" the access to data, effectively setting a "value" for data. To ensure stability for the network, Itheum will put in place the "3-month" unlock mechanism that applies after the cliff and vest dates pass.

  • The final vest (team/advisor) will conclude on March 28, 2025

Vesting Status: We are currently at Month 27: July 2024

We are currently at Month 27 : July 2024

Token Staking & Farming




Native staking system for MultiversX xExchange DEX. Stake LP & Tokens to earn more of the same token as rewards.

Liveliness Bonding + Staking Rewards


Native staking system of the Itheum protocol. You need to bond $ITHEUM tokens to mint Data NFTs, and the bonded token earn staking rewards and real-yield from the Itheum protocol

[ Launching Aug 2024 ]

Liveliness Bonding + Staking Rewards


Native staking system of the Itheum protocol. You need to bond $ITHEUM tokens to mint Data NFTs, and the bonded token earn staking rewards and real- yield from the Itheum protocol

[ Launching Sep 2024 ]

xExchange LP Farming


Farm your EGLD/ITHEUM LP tokens and earn $EGLD and $ITHEUM token rewards

Raydium LP Farming


Farm your SOL/ITHEUM LP tokens and earn $SOL and $ITHEUM token rewards

Token Distribution

As with all blockchain-based projects; Itheum will have an allocation of tokens that are not for sale. These non-sale tokens will be allocated to various buckets to oversee the roadmap, community, partners, liquidity, security, and various incentives needed for the continued growth of the Itheum ecosystem and to ensure we build a platform that becomes a market leader, brings the best value to the community and eventually be governed by the community.

The non-sale allocation groups and their initiatives are as follows (please be aware that the full initiatives under the groups are an evolving topic of discussion between the protocol and community governance, but we aim to cover the following key items as a minimum):

Community (17%) & Ecosystem (23.5%)

  • Ambassador programs

  • Community growth campaigns

  • Community education campaigns

  • Community feature testing rewards (Beta feature user testing)

  • Development grants, hackathons & incentives

  • Grants to run Data Coalition DAOs

  • Grants to build apps on Itheum's App Store: https://explorer.itheum.io

  • Ongoing multi-chain liquidity reserves

  • Technical audits and white-hat hacking bounty programs, code reviews, and platform stability incentives

  • Home of the Community Treasury: holds the percentage of funds earned from Data NFT trade fees that will be reserved for real-yield distribution to ITHEUM stakers and/or "buy-back and burn" programs

Data Partners (2.5% - this is part of the Ecosystem bucket)

  • Key partnerships to enable "data market-making" (i.e. to ensure there is a constant demand for data)

  • Recruitment of a consumer data protection guild - These are global SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) in data privacy, data regulation, personal data protection advocacy, academia, and law. The consumer data protection guild will be available for Data Coalitions DOAs to utilize as needed to ensure that data trade happening via Itheum is always in the best interest of all parties rights

Treasury (17%)

  • Home of the Foundation Treasury: funds are used to support Itheum's roadmap for the long term and will eventually be controlled by the Itheum Foundation DAO

  • Funds to cover unexpected expenses that might come up relating to platform operations, stability, security, and growth

Team & Advisors - 17.5%

  • Team (12%): Incentivise the core team and new team members to work and deliver the initial roadmap (until the community-run Itheum Foundation DAO is put into place)

  • Advisors (5.5%): Strategic advisors who will help Itheum bootstrap and reach optimum global growth

Reserve Wallets

As detailed above, most or all of the Ecosystem, Community and Treasury buckets have vested but these tokens have not been fully publicly circulated and will first enter "reserve" wallets that will hold and release tokens as needed based on the growth requirement of the protocol. It should be noted that the "circulating supply" on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap will exclude the values in the reserve buckets to ensure the public is transparently notified of the "true" circulating supply. Large releases from these reserve buckets will need to be approved by the DAOs that are part of our Governance. For transparency, we list below the reserve wallets:



Primarily for Ecosystem growth initiatives, staking rewards etc.


Primarily for Community growth initiatives, airdrops, marketings etc.


Treasury wallet to support roadmap implementation and for token growth like CEX, DEX listings etc.


Primarily for Ecosystem growth initiatives and for "Data Partners"


Primarily for growth airdrops and campaigns etc.


Primarily used to boost liquidity across supported chains


Primarily for Ecosystem growth initiatives.


Primarily for Community growth initiatives, airdrops, marketings etc.


Backup treasury wallet that is locked until final token vest completes in March 28 2025

Token Disclaimer

The ITHEUM token sits under the following Disclaimers, please read and familiarize yourself with them before interacting with the token:

Last updated