Data DEX Guides
Simple Multi-Chain guides on how you can use the Itheum Data DEX
Itheum is the world's first decentralized data brokerage platform, and the Data DEX is Itheum's decentralized data brokerage portal for individuals or organizations to claim ownership of their web2 data assets and trade them in a peer-to-peer data marketplace.
You can trade any original self-hosted data on the Data DEX or use pre-built Data C.A.T apps that have been integrated into the Data DEX. Please note that data you mint into Data NFTs needs to be "original to you", i.e. it's data you created yourself or is about you and where the copyright/rights to own and use belong to you.
The Data C.A.T framework is an Itheum protocol framework for building web2 apps that empower users with data ownership, allowing them to "bridge their data from web2 to web3". These Data C.A.T apps will be integrated directly into the Data DEX and will have a seamless user experience to onboard users for "data bridging."
One such Data C.A.T app is the "Web3 Gamer Passport" - an app that allows gamers to connect their gaming platforms (PlayStation, Xbox, Steam etc.) and then bridge some of their gaming data into web3 where they can claim ownership of it as a Data NFT and then trade it in the Data NFT marketplace if they choose to. Shortly, the Data DEX will also feature Data Coalitions DAOs that collect and bulk trade data on the user's behalf. The Web3 Gamer Passport will feature its own Data Coalition DAO that will pool large amounts of data sourced with a gamer's consent and then trade this pool of bulk, uniform data with data consumers. Any earnings from the bulk trade will be split and distributed with the gamers who contributed their data.
Itheum is a Multi-Chain protocol and the below Chain specific guides will walk you through the various features you can try.
The following Chain Specific guides are built for use on Testnets so you can try these features for free. Let's get started...
Last updated