Ledger Wallet

Ledger Wallet

Ledger Wallet is a widely recognized hardware wallet that provides secure storage for cryptocurrencies. With its offline storage and advanced security features, Ledger Wallet ensures the safekeeping of users' digital assets. It offers a reliable and convenient solution for managing and transacting cryptocurrencies with peace of mind.


  1. Set up your Ledger device

  2. Download the Ledger Live application

  3. Upgrade your device with the latest firmware‌

Steps to Connect Ledger

Plugin the Ledger Device in your computer and open the MultiversX app on your ledger device.

  1. Click on connect MultiversX wallet < Mainnet

  2. You will receive a pop-up with various login options. Select "Ledger" by clicking on it.

  1. If your device was plugged in successfully, you will receive another pop-up to select the ledger device. Also, ensure that the MultiversX App is open on Ledger at this stage! Finally, select the ledger device to select the ledger wallet.

  1. Select the wallet that you want to access on the ledger decide. Confirm this step by clicking on " Access Wallet "

  1. Confirm the wallet address ( after cross-verifying) on your ledger device by selecting "approve".

Congratulations, you have now successfully logged in to our Data DEX using Ledger.

Note: Do clean your browser cookies or ledger app cookies if you face any difficulties. Alternatively, feel free to reach out at: agency@itheum.io in case of any issues while logging in using Ledger.

Additional Reading: https://docs.multiversx.com/wallet/ledger/

Last updated