Data Collection and Storage

The Gamer Passport will be compatible with many gaming platforms and networks. Initially, we support PlayStation data collection.

This document details the type of data that is collected and stored.

Data Collected

PlayStation Network

  1. All information collected is publicly available and respects the privacy and security settings set up by the user on their PlayStation account.

  2. No sensitive data such as names, emails, addresses, etc., is collected or even possible for us to view, as it is restricted by the platform.

  3. If the user permits it in their PlayStation account, we can collect and store "presence" information, which includes when you last played and if you have set yourself as "currently available" to play.

  4. If the user permits it in their PlayStation account, we can collect and store "profile" information like public username, profile avatar, etc.

  5. If the user permits it in their PlayStation account, we can collect and store "title" information, like the games you are playing, how many times you play them, or how long you play them, etc.

  6. If the user permits it in their PlayStation account, we can collect and store "trophy" information, such as trophies won per game, total trophies, etc.

Data Storage

  1. As detailed above, no personal information is stored or linked to data. The data can be considered to be "behavioral." The "identity" of the gamer is stored using custom de-identified internal IDs. There is a linkage between these custom de-identified internal IDs and blockchain wallets (e.g., Solana Wallet).

  2. All the above data is securely encrypted at rest and in transit and stored in an AWS account in the EU region.

  3. In future, there may be "snapshots" of encrypted data that get stored in "Decentralzied Storage" for redundancy, portability and to more align with the "web3 narrative" of ownership and non-centralized control, BUT this has not been implemented and if we do this, we will notify users of this option and allows them to opt-out of this feature.

Last updated